Shane is a Libra. Marianne is a Gemini. Together, they are the perfect pairing not only in life but also in work. Their work is balanced and two-fold just like their natures – design and communications on one side, martial arts and yoga on the other. They are also bilingual (english and spanish).
Being visual by nature, the libra is a born artist and designer. He not only sees the beauty in everything but also strives to create beautiful things. The gemini, on the other hand, is a communicator. She is quick-minded and expressive as a writer and loves to bring ideas to life. Both are open, adaptable and complement each others’ strengths.
With a collective background in branding, graphic design, photography, illustration, marketing, public relations, copywriting, editing, blogging, translation, and transcription, Shine & Humm proudly offers these services to help bring projects to life. Shane and Marianne are passionate about supporting businesses that reflect their own values and interests in health and wellness, food and travel, art and culture, as well as projects that focus on social good, the environment and indigenous wisdom.
Check out some of Shane’s design, illustration and photography here and here.
Check out more of Marianne’s musings here.
Both libra and gemini view physical movement as crucial to daily life. But they put equal emphasis on the internal world of reflection and slowing down. Both martial arts and yoga are the perfect fusion of yin and yang, of movement and stillness. It’s no surprise their attraction to these two practices.
Shane has been teaching martial arts for over 20 years. He currently teaches Systema and Brazilian jiujitsu. He has taught classes and workshops in Australia, India, Japan and Peru. Marianne has been teaching yoga for a decade, with a focus on mindful movement and conscious breath. She has taught classes and workshops in Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia and Peru.
Find out more here. (updates to come!)
We love sharing our experiences in slow travel and our syncretic lifestyle that takes all versions of living and blends it all up into something that makes sense for us.
If you have any questions,
if you’re interested in finding out more about how we do life,
if you’d like find out how we can help you with your business or project,
if you want to know more about our teaching schedules,
or any combination of these things,
or if you’d just like to say hi,
…we’d love to hear from you!
Drop us a line at hello[at]shineandhumm.com